Laine and I went to CA for a family visit which was wonderful! Being with my family and dear friends was incredible and so therapeutic for us both. We are progressing slowly with their help and support.
I wanted to give all of you a head's up on an interview with Laine on NBC Channel 3 out of N. CA. I believe it will be aired either the end of this week or next. When I get specific dates I will record them on this site. Also NBC Channel 12 out of Richmond, VA will be doing an additional interview along with ESPN shortly. Everyone is concerned on Laine's progress and a lot of admirers have been calling up stations and magazine journals to be updated and made aware of her future efforts. Heck, I even got interviewed! So keep close to this site and I will let you know dates once they become known.
Laine continues to march forward. Slowly. She gave 2 cross country lessons today and it made her feel like she was getting back into the swing of activities. Both riders wore smiles from ear to ear leaving today and her other lessons have been equally pulling away with new found skills to better their rides. It is so valuable to be a teacher AND a rider....and pull out the very best of both. Laine does that so very, very well. It is her passion to leave students with homework so they can aspire to be more educated equestrians. There has to be challenge and focus. Let's say, Laine is like a MiniMe Buck, but in a young female version (little sister would probably be most appropriate!) Buck has taught Laine to be the rider she is today. Sharing what she has learned with other riders is a bonus. I feel Laine is finding some degree of growth and comfort....a step moving forward from these lessons, which is a blessing and relief in itself.
Laine's jaw could be a problem down the road. Her bite is off and crooked....so the dentist wants to file down her teeth in different areas to re-align them as close as possible to their original position. I am not sure if this will remedy the problem but we hope so before we go further into another jaw surgery. She also has a huge knot on her back from the broken clavicle causing her muscle tightness and tension. It has a bit of a humpback appearance and we are trying massage therapy and heat to get it loosened up. It's a slow creep forward from all her injuries but it will all come together and they will be issues of the past.
Laine is asking me if I am starting dinner now....so my friends I will write back as soon as I know upcoming interview dates.
I can feel all your hope and prayers around me and that is why I am a strong woman and mother.
Thank you.