I wanted to let all of you know that THIS Wednesday, Channel 12 on NBC will air Laine's interview at 5:30pm (or a few minutes after). We had such a wonderful time filming baby Seajack jumping through the grid we set up and Laine sitting tall and confidant smiling all the way through the jumping session! Joe Sullivan was most impressed with Laine's attitude and 'come back kid' spirit, not to mention his astonishment when seeing our barn mascot, ET!
James the cameraman was such a perfectionist placing the camera in different spots so backgrounds and light would be most beneficial. It was a lovely experience and I think all of you will enjoy seeing Laine's progress.
We declined the ESPN interview due to the chance it might be turned into a negative light with
I will update all of you when I hear from NBC Channel 3 Sacramento, CA as to the date when Laine's interview there with Deirdre Fitzpatrick aires.
until then thank you for all your support.....we continue to rally forward from your kindred spirit and prayers.