So, it's been nearly a week and a half since my dream of crossing through those finish flags materialized. Last week all I was thinking was how to ride a double clear show jumping round; this week, well, I am not really thinking at all. I must admit that since Rolex has finished, the let down from all of the nerves, excitement, course walking, HORSE walking, and hauling back and forth on I-64, has been nothing short of traumatizing. I have grown accustomed to waking up at 6:30 on the dot, headed to the barn, loading Al in the trailer, traveling to a lesson or a gallop or a trot set, icing him down, riding the other boys, grooming Al again, working out in the gym, eating, showering, then heading to bed to start the whole process over again. It's your basic eventing barn hustle and bustle BEFORE the big three day. Now that that big three day is OVER, well, I guess I am having the post-Rolex blues. For a while I fed my addiction of four stars by constantly logging onto eventingnation.com to see the newest happenings at Badminton; but that too, ended too soon! I must congratulate Paul Tapner on his fabulous win...I fell in love with his horse INONOTHING, simply because the name is so cool...and of course the thing can JUMP!
On the contrary, Alex is very happy to be on a much-needed vacation although I have to admit that after going without one brush over his coat or tail since the Sunday of our clear SJ round, he is (was) embarrassingly dirty. So, I eagerly jumped at the opportunity to give Al a good long bath, much to his dismay.
Since returning home I have been prepping Guppy, Bob, and Seaj for their upcoming June events...poor guys, they went from having a lovely week-long vacation, to full steam ahead!!! I have managed to enjoy some hour long trail rides on Banjo which is always a pleasure; that little paint knows no boundaries...where there's a stream, we cross it, a forrest, we weed through it...there is nothing he can't do!
Well, there you have it...just a quick update for you guys! Aside from heading to the gym or to the barn, there really isn't anything else new with my life. Oh the life of an event rider!
I did, in fact, teach a great clinic in Maidens, VA at No Worries Farm which ran from 8am until 7pm. I was extremely impressed with the rider's skills and of course, the talented horse flesh that my eyes feasted upon! I can't wait until we do another on the 31st of July! I am also headed out to northern CA to visit my mom in mid-May where I will be doing an informal clinic with the local pony clubbers which I am eagerly looking forward to! Until next time, leg on, shoulders back, and ENJOY THE RIDE! See ya around!