I must admit that since I have been home here in VA, the weather has been absolutely spectacular! In between trailering Al back and forth to Breeze Hill for our gallops and exploring areas to hack around our new abode on Guppy and Bobby, I have settled into my new life up north, seemingly with ease. Aside from the absence of my mom, which I must say is a MASSIVE void in my daily lifestyle, everything seems to be running smoothly and according to plan.
The best thing about being back in VA for my Rolex prep is the vast rolling hills for conditioning. Although Al was used to galloping the distance in Ocala, the undulating terrain and slow, long hills that VA offers really proved where we were lacking in our conditioning program. Because this will be Al's first attempt at a four star, in addition to my first time back at a level in which I haven't been the most consistent, I want to make sure that no stone goes unturned. Al and I have to be in our best condition physically and mentally at Rolex, and as most professional athletes discover all-too-often, we must make sure we do not peak a second too early. Having said that, when I am not on one of my horses, you can bet you will find me (and Brandon, who has recently been promoted from boyfriend to fitness trainer) running laps, doing the elliptical, or lifting some serious weights at American Family Fitness, which is conveniently located next to our apartment complex! No excuses now Lainey!
This past weekend Bonnie Mosser was very helpful in instructing Al and myself over the fences and on the flat. Aside from texting back and forth about the location of her farm's herd of cattle in regards to her ring, the lessons went really well and I took home an abundance of information that I think will aid in our performance at The Fork and of course, at Rolex.
Of course, I wouldn't be me if I didn't mention how awesome it is to be home and back teaching again. Although I've only been away for a couple months, as soon as I hit VA soil, I was inundated with calls from students seeking help which always makes me beam with pride! Needless to say, when you see a wave of people donning black and gold shirts screaming at the top of their lungs, don't be surprised if they're apart of Team Crow's Ear! Love you guys!
Anyway, just thought I would add a quick update to keep everyone in tune with my daily schedule in preparation for our nation's only four star. On Wednesday, mom and I will drive down to Norwood, NC to prep for a Thursday morning CIC*** dressage ride time. Keep your fingers crossed that Al's and my hard work is illuminated by this upcoming weekend's results! Whether we win, lose, or draw, The Fork always proves to be a good time! Until then guys, have a happy Easter and keep those stop watches on and running....three weeks and counting until the BIG EVENT!